A force promoting health and wellness
Alan Morelli is an American entrepreneur and athlete living in California. He is the CEO of OptimisCorp, a company he founded in 2006 and that helped raise the quality of care for millions of people throughout the world.
From a very young age, Alan always liked sports: track, wrestling, basketball, football, rowing, swimming and more. A very competitive young man, he took part in many competitions and won a rowing competition of endurance 5 years in a row in his early twenties.

The Swim To Africa
On July 17-24, 2015, four brave souls—powered by optimum sustainable wellness technology—will begin their mission to Swim to Africa across the treacherous Strait of Gibraltar, attempting to repeat the successful 2010 expedition of the same name.
By embarking on this ambitious expedition, our team hopes to educate and inspire others to realize what each of us can achieve through training with science and by making sustainable health and wellness choices. We believe in the importance of being active and in making healthy choices within our communities and with the planet in mind, because we believe that our collective wellness is dependent on the wellness of this extraordinary planet.

CEO of Optimis
OptimisCorp is a company led by CEO Alan Morelli and staffed with renowned experts in the medical field including physicians, physical therapists, psychologists and registered dieticians dedicated to the science of health, movement and function. OptimisCorp works to improve the consistency and quality of care delivered by health care professionals by providing them with groundbreaking software programs. These programs allow physical therapists to access evidence-based and clinically proven tools to provide higher quality care for rehab, injury prevention, performance enhancement, weight management, and overall wellness programs. The company is comprised of four highly synergistic divisions: software services, clinical services, billing and compliance consulting, and branded events.
Alan Morelli twice swam across the 11.6 mile Strait of Gibraltar. During his first swim through one of the world’s busiest shipping channels, Morelli was part of a group of six (including a two-time Olympian and former world champion), which set a record for the most swimmers crossing at one time.
It was April of 2009. Alan Morelli a wrestler during his college days at Rutgers in New Jersey and later an age group triathlete, was riding his bike down Mulholland Drive when a motorcyclist made an illegal U- turn right infront of him. “The next thing I knew I was being transported by helicopter to the UCLA Trauma Centre,” he recalls. “While I was going through rehab, that’s when I had the idea.”